Car park line marking

The car park is the first thing your clients and visitors will see, so we ask, is your car park traffic flow easy to follow? How clear and bright are the lines?Accessible car parks for clients with mobility difficulties is crucial for compliance. We have a range of products from Road Paint approved by NZTA to the most high quality Epoxies and Polyurethanes Resins.

Coloured walkways

Coloured walkways are the most effective markings in terms of floor signage. Walkways well designed and colour coded have great impact for safety communication. Pedestrians are an important group on site, whether your car park is private or commercial. We have something to help protect your flooring from contaminants and ensure your concreted area remains durable and safe, so pedestrians and vehicles are protected from slippery and hazardous surfaces.

Industrial Markings

There are many ways and resources that can be applied in factories and warehouses in terms of safety markings. How clear and easy are the directional markings like arrows give ways and stop signs? Fire escape doors must be clear at all times. Marking the exits with cross hatches can avoid blockage in case of emergency.

Safety line marking

Floor marking for factories, warehouses and car park line markings. Our range of products and services cover the most common needs in line markings.